Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Trying my hand at photography...

As much as I love my little point and shoot camera, I wanted to try it the hard way. With a digital SLR and in manual mode. I'm still new (only at this for a week) but so far I'm pretty pleased. Of course in a year I'll come back and laugh that I ever thought these were worth putting up, but hey...for now I like them :)


Tiffany*Adam*Jocelyn*Parker said...

Those are beautiful pictures! Good job! Dallin is a good looking kid and WOW his eyes are so pretty!! Love you!

The Wizzle said...

They look great to me! Dallin's eyes are beautiful.

Jensen Family said...

Good pictures! And I agree with the other comment, Dallin's eyes are gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Look at you go! And in full Manual mode too. great job.